When we think of Dave Fadness, we think “volunteer extraordinaire” and “advocate for urban trees”. Having worked with Dave for many years, I am lucky to be able to add “noble friend” to the long list of extraordinary attributes and gifts he so generously shared. Dave passed recently, and need I say he will be greatly missed.
It was Dave’s vision and commitment over a period of several years that assured Our City Forest a home at Martial Cottle Park. It was his passion for trees and his volunteer spirit over decades that inspired so many to follow his example of planting and caring for trees.
There aren’t enough words to adequately honor Dave, and that thought reminds me how he always preferred good deeds to words, anyway. I’m confident the best way to honor Dave is to get out there and work to make the world a little greener - just as he did so enthusiastically.
At Our City Forest’s 2014 Volunteer Awards event, Dave received our top Tree Hero Award. His wife and others like to share with me how much this meant to him. I like knowing he felt genuinely appreciated in spite of preferring to avoid the spotlight.
I fondly remember how, after his plantings, Dave would request from me a list of the names and addresses of every person who helped in any way. He would then send each person a letter of thanks.
In that same spirit of appreciation, we thank YOU, Dave Fadness. Thank you for showing up time and time again for trees, for volunteerism, for Our City Forest, and for so many other causes you cared about. You continue to inspire us every day to keep doing good deeds and to never ever ever give up.
Dave posing with an Our City Forest ready-stake and tree.
Thank you to VEP Neighborhood Association for this great picture of Dave: a tree-mendous volunteer!