Help OCF Buy a flatbed!

Flatbeds are essential for OCF’s planting projects, and OCF needs one now to replace its old and worn but well-loved “Clyde”. Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez has generously awarded OCF a $20,000 discretionary grant for this purpose, and OCF is looking for additional donations to raise the $60,000 or so needed to purchase a replacement. Please click this link below if you would like a donation to go towards this essential need!
Fund a project: Pocket Forest
A pocket forest is a small-scale designed forest in an urban ecosystem. Also known as a Miyawaki forest, the forest making method was developed by Akira Miyawaki, a Japanese ecologist. The Miyawaki method involves densely planting native trees, understory, and ground cover species to simulate the layers of a natural forest. Our City Forest is eager to work with volunteers to plant a pocket forest at our Urban Forestry Education Center. The forest will engage and educate the public on the importance of urban forestry and biodiversity through a novel forest-making technique.
Donate below to help Our City Forest grow a pocket forest at our Urban Forestry Education Center and many more to come!
Wildfire Succession Garden
This project aims to visually and spatially demonstrate the process of secondary ecological succession. In short, this is a process of change after an ecosystem experiences a disturbance such as a wildfire. This garden will be composed of 34 species of plants native to Santa Clara County and will be divided into four sections to illustrate the stages of succession: an annual wildflower and grass meadow hill, a perennial wildflower and grass meadow, chaparral, and coast live oak woodland climax community.
breathe easy t-shirts
Support our cause to make our community breathe easy with our Breathe Easy T-shirts!
Each T-shirt is a $20 donation and are available at our Nursery or Urban Forestry Education Center.
Workplace Giving Opportunities
Ask your employer today if they have a Volunteer Match donation program or Volunteer Time Off (VTO). Every time you volunteer with Our City Forest, let your HR department know and we will receive a certain amount per hour you volunteer. Participating companies include: Cisco, Apple, Applied Materials, LAM Research & Intel.
Our City Forest is accepting in-kind donations year round. Help us grow with a donation!
A simple way to give to the work of Our City Forest is to do your online shopping via iGive at Every dollar makes a difference to OCF, and small change adds up to big dollars over time.
iGive is a rebate program where iGive members have the opportunity to donate their rebate to their chosen cause. The rebate amount differs for every merchant and may change.
Bookmark to be sure that every time you shop online, you will also be helping trees.
By using an iGive link to the store's website, you shop as you normally would. There are over 2,000 stores to shop from on iGive. See Frequently Asked Questions and How iGive Works.
Please go to TODAY and start shopping!
Thank you for your support. Your donations to support our work make all the difference.
Fundraise for OCF on Facebook!
Whether it's your birthday, Earth Month, or you are just looking to raise some money for a cause you believe in, Facebook can be an easy way to engage your friend group. Engage someone who might not have donated before and support our cause!
FaceBook fundraisers that others have created in the past!
Questions about starting a fundraiser on Facebook? Email
EarthShare California (ESCA) is a non-profit federation of more than 100 environmental groups that work to protect natural resources and promote livable communities in the state of California. ESCA provides a simple way for donors to contribute to many environmental groups at once, including OUR CITY FOREST.
Donors can make a donation to the general fund, which is divided among all the member groups or, donors can choose to designate funds to one or more specific groups. Member organizations therefore receive both a share of contributions given to ESCA and designations specific to their group.
Does your company participate in the annual giving campaign? Check with your HR department. If you work for the City of San José, Sunnyvale, or Santa Clara County check with your Combined Giving Campaign representative to learn how you can make an on-going donation to Our City Forest.