Payments for Our City Forest service fees.
Our City Forest Service Fees
If you received a tree, planting or delivery service, tree care visit, or other material/service from Our City Forest, please pay below using Square or Paypal. Cash and check also accepted by mail or in-person at our Community Nursery.
Minimum suggested donation amounts:
15-gallon tree $150.00+
Planting fee (per one tree) $200.00+
15-gallon tree + planting fee $350.00+
Delivery fee $35.00+
For each additional tree delivery $10+
Site visit for landscaping and tree planning $50.00+
Tree Care Visit $35.00+
LawnBust Design $30.00+
For Shrubs:
$8 - $10 for 4 in (perennials)
$5 - $7 for 4 in annuals
$12 - $14 for 1-gallon
$25 for 5-gallon