Our City Forest - California Native Plants


Our City Forest - California Native Plants

The native plants and trees in our ecosystems are indispensable. Native plant species are superior in supporting pollinators and local wildlife, such as bees, butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, as demonstrated by ecologists, wildlife biologists, and entomologists. On the other hand, invasive plant species have the power to disrupt environments, diminish biodiversity, drive native species to extinction, and clash with them for scarce resources. This invasive species takeover can and is occurring everywhere, including California. For Californians looking to add some greenery to their yards, it  can be especially challenging to tell native plants from invasive ones. Fortunately, the general public can plant and obtain a wide variety of native California trees from Our City Forest in San Jose, CA. They take tremendous pride in the quality of their plants and go to considerable lengths to ensure that they all mature into robust, healthy trees. These are a few from their wide variety available at their nursery as of November 2023:

  1. The Acer Macrophyllum (Big Leaf Maple) is a huge deciduous tree. Although it’s typically 50 to 65 feet tall, it can grow to a height of even 100. The diameter of the trunk on the other hand, can grow to over 3 feet. Its native range extends from southernmost Alaska to southern California in western North America, primarily along the Pacific coast. 

  2. The Aesculus Californica (California Buckeye) is either seen as a tiny tree or a big shrub. It usually spreads out and has several trunks, with a broad and tall crown. This species, belonging to the Sapindaceae family, is the sole native buckeye in California. Early spring usually sees it leaf out and its creamy-white to pale pink flower spikes begin appearing- butterflies adore the blooms!

  3. The Cercis Occidentalis (Western Redbud) is a little deciduous tree that grows in California's highlands and foothills. Early in the season, the glossy heart-shaped leaves on the slender brown branches are light green, but as the season progresses, they turn a darker shade. Bright pink or magenta, beautiful flowers appear in clusters throughout the shrub in the spring and give the plant a vibrant, eye-catching appearance in the landscape.

  4. The Myrica Californica (Pacific Wax Myrtle) is a naturally occurring shrub of to the Myrtle family that is mainly found in northern and central California along the coast. It can also be found as far north as British Columbia and as far south as Los Angeles County. It has a lengthy lifespan and grows rather quickly. It develops actively in the spring and summer, reaching a tall shape up to 33 feet in height. Early summer is where you can bear witness to the blooming of its yellow flowers.

  5. The Quercus Agrifolia (Coast Live Oak) is a recognizable, magnificent tree that supports the local flora and animals. Its massive canopy and twisted branches make it easy to identify. A diverse range of birds and butterflies are drawn to the acorns of the Coast Live Oak, which blooms in the spring and provides food and habitat for over 270 different kinds of birds and insects. These hardy trees can reach mature heights of 30 to 80 feet. They can also live for decades, frequently exceeding 250 years.

  6. The Quercus Douglasii (Blue Oak) is a deciduous tree that can withstand droughts and gives local wildlife food and shelter. It provides food for insects, squirrels, and birds and serves as a host plant for numerous moth and butterfly species. Additionally, the blue-green foliage of this tree is what gave rise to its name. Blue oaks can reach heights of more than 80 feet, and their canopy can enlarge to at least 30 feet in width. 

  7. The Quercus Lobata (Valley Oak) is the biggest oak species in North America. They can grow up to 60 feet in 20 years, 20 feet in 5 years, 40 feet in 10 years, and so on; fully grown specimens can live up to 600 years. Its wavy bark, which has a pewter tint, contributes to this species' appealing appearance. October is when acorns fall throughout most of the range. They are consumed by a wide range of mammals and birds, such as the California Ground Squirrel, Acorn Woodpecker, Western Scrub Jay, and Yellow-billed Magpie. Like many oaks, this tree is resistant to wildfires.


These are just a few of the many, many plants available at Our City Forest. To learn more on the different species/plants available at the nursery, you can visit their website ourcityforest.org or visit them in-person at 1000 Spring St, San Jose, CA 95110. Do your part in promoting biodiversity today by considering planting some native trees. Thank you :)

Sources: ourcityforest.org & calscape.org


The Importance of Watering Young Trees to Establishment


The Importance of Watering Young Trees to Establishment

As the weather heats up in Santa Clara County it is crutial to stay on top of watering your tree. Young trees need water to grow healthy and be less susceptible to pests and diseases. It does not matter how drought tolerant or native the species is, all young and newly planted trees need 15-20 gallons of water a week. Our City Forest recommends watering your tree all at once to promote deep root watering.

How to Water

The best way to water your tree is to use your hose and leave it on a drip (or very slow flow) for an hour, moving the hose around every hour to different areas of the root zone. This allows the water to percolate the soil slowly which allows time for the roots to absorb the moisture. Newly planted trees have a small root network so the roots will be closer to the trunk of the tree. The older the tree gets the root network will expand and watering will need to move away from the trunk of the tree. Mature trees should be watered at the drip line, where the canopy ends.

A berm can also be built to help water a tree. A berm is a basin constructed around a tree using dirt and mulch. The berm’s purpose is to hold water to make it easier for the tree to get water. Fill the berm up with water from a hose and it will slowly percolate the ground. Trees can also be watered using 5-gallon buckets if a hose cannot reach a tree’s location. Use a shovel to break the water flow so a hole does not form where the water is being poured. Just makre sure the young tree is getting 15-20 gallons of water.

Also, watch how fast the water is draining. If the water is draining very gast, then the soil has fast drainage and extra water is needed for the tree. If the water is staying in the berm for a long time, then the soil likely has bad drainage. Checking soil moisture is encouraged especially during heat waves. To check soil moisture, use your finger and dig down 4inches below the soil about 1-2ft away from the trunk of a young tree. Mature trees check 6-12inches deep. If the soil is dry, then the tree can be watered. If the soil is still moist then only water the tree once a week. Roots need to breathe and too much water can drown the tree. The soil should be moist after watering, not waterlogged.

Why is it important?

Newly planted trees can experience transplant shock. The tree has grown up in a pot and when it is planted in the ground, it is the most stressful event in the tree’s life. The tree’s environment has changed, and it is up to the human to help the tree adapt to its new forever home. There are many things that can cause transplant shorck including: improper planting, lack of root system, weather, pest, and disease, but imporper watering is what will be focused on below.

If a tree is not getting enough water to support photosynthesis within the tree, then tree growth can be stunted. If the tree does not get more water over time, then the tree will slowly die. The root system of a tree can also die back as the tree tries to conserve nutrients. The tree can show signs of underwatering in different ways:

  • No new leaves

  • Short branches or branches stop growing

  • Leaves changing color (before fall)

  • Leaves turning brown

  • Leaves feeling crispy on tree

  • Smaller leaves than normal

  • Crown dieback/thinning canopy

If caught early enough a tree can recover from underwatering. Consistent watering can help the tree recover. Make sure the soil is kept moist. Mulch is recommended to put on top of exposed soil. The sun will hit the mulch instead of the soil allowing the soil to stay moist for longer periods of time. The mulch will also prevent evaporation.

If a tree is being watered by a sprinkler, then this can also lead to underwatering. A sprinkler only wets the top layer of soil, and the water will not penetrate deep enough to where the tree roots are. Watering by hose is recommended. Most tree roots are in the top 6 to 24inches of soil which means water needs to be able to percolate down which cannot be achieved through a sprinkler. Competing grass should also be removed from a tree’s critical root zone to avoid competition for water.

Trees can also experience overwatering. Many trees, especially ones that do well in California cannot tolerate excessive moisture. Tree roots need oxygen in the soil and excess water causes roots not to be able to absorb water. Symptoms of an over watered tree:

  • Yellow, moist leaves

  • Wilting leaves

  • Leaf scorch

  • Early leaf drop

  • Crown dieback

This is why it is important to watch how fast your soil drains. Everyone’s soil is different and typically the more clay in the soil the slower it drains. Santa Clara County does have a lot of clay in the soil, but the soil is usually classified as clay loam. When clay is very wet it expands and swells, it is usually a sticky texture, and when clay is dry it shrinks and compacts causing soil to crack. However, clay loam is easier to work with and you can use mulch to keep the soil moist.

What to remember

Keeping your young tree properly watered during the summer will set the tree up for success. It is also important to makre sure mature trees have enough water especially during drought conditions. Many trees in California adapt to the Mediterranean Climate, dry summers & wet winters. However, in drought years or years with low rainfall, mature trees need to be watered. Remember, younger trees need consistent watering for at least the first 5 years after planting. If a tree is planted in the summer, makre sure the tree is diligently watered and check soil moisture every 2-3 days. During heat waves check soil moisture of all tree, mature and young, every couple of days because trees usually need twice as much water. The best time of the day to water your tree is either in the morening or at night when the weather is cooler as less evaporation will take place. Check out our Watering Guide.


Arboles Gratis

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Arboles Gratis

Nuestra organización Our City Forest junto a California Department of Forestry & Fire
Protection, Ciudad de San José, y el condado de Santa Clara colaboran para patrocinar árboles
a comunidades con escasez de árboles. Árboles urbanos ayudan a combatir el cambio
climático, mejoran la calidad de vida y ayudan a conservar los ecosistemas ahí presentes.
Los beneficios son bastantes, un árbol maduro absorbe una gran cantidad de contaminantes
como polvo o humo por año y mejora la calidad del aire. También ayudan a prevenir
inundaciones al regular el flujo de agua. Aumentan y/o conservan la biodiversidad entre plantas
y animales. Otros beneficios de los árboles es que reducen el consumo de electricidad. Por
ejemplo, los árboles que están cerca de edificios reducen el uso del aire acondicionado y
también reducen la calefacción en invierno. Estudios demuestran que áreas verdes y árboles
reducen los niveles de estrés y mejora la salud física y mental. Por último también ayudan a
aumentar el valor de una propiedad y atraen turismo.

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